How to Get Into an Accelerator

Last week, we hosted a community event for startup founders at our office to learn “How to Get Into an Accelerator.” We were overwhelmed by the response – the event sold out in less than an hour! In light of the demand, we decided to give the presentation over a Google+ Hangout on Air a couple days later. Thank you to the 100+ people that attended the Hangout and asked dozens of awesome questions. Thanks also to those of you who sent in feedback – we will try to incorporate it into the next event.

This is a recording of the live hangout. If you don’t have time to watch the whole video, high level topics that were covered are listed below and clickable timestamps are located in the description on YouTube.

  • Should you join an accelerator? (Separate blog post coming soon)
  • The online application – a walkthrough of a sample application
  • What to think about if you get a meeting
  • Communicating traction to investors
  • What does it mean if you don’t get in?

Although we cannot guarantee review for the upcoming class (the window has closed), we are still accepting applications and will do our best to consider!

Introduction to the Los Angeles Startup Community

Launchpad LA Managing Director Sam Teller presented this “Introduction to the Los Angeles Startup Community” at General Assembly on December 1st, 2012.

Please let us know if you have any feedback on the slides. We’re continually updating this deck to reflect the latest developments in our community.